Tag Archives: Knocknagow

Big Knock

During the past month business at the Larne Shipbuilding Works has been exceedingly brisk, and the carrying out of new orders is still proceeding apace. […] There was launched on the 19th inst one steel motor barge, 70 X 16 X 7 feet, and fitted with 40 BHP Bolinder engines, to consume crude oil. The barge was built to the order of Messrs E Dowley & Sons, Ltd, of Carrick-on-Suir.

[…] The motor engines are installed by Bright’s Patent Pulley Co, Portadown.

Larne Times and Weekly Telegraph
22 February 1913

I don’t have the dimensions of the Big Knocknagow, but 70 X 16 is larger than the Little Knocknagow, so I suspect that this shows that the Big Knock was built in Larne and launched in 1913.

No doubt information about the origins of the Little Knock will turn up at some stage.

River Suir

My spies tell me that the RTE television programme Nationwide, to be broadcast on Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 7.00pm, will include some material about the River Suir and perhaps some footage of a former tug-barge, the Knocknagow, that plied thereon.

News from the Suir

Some chap from Limerick has been quoted in the Nationalist (Clonmel) as supporting South Tipperary County Council’s proposed taking in charge of the towing-path between Carrick-on-Suir and Clonmel.

And Carrick-on-Suir River Rescue needs help raising funds to buy a premises.

Shannon Harbour dry docks

My dry docks overview page had a bad link in it, which was my fault, but I hope that’s now fixed as the Shannon Harbour dry docks

34B in the dock

page is now up. Comments, corrections and suggestions for improvements and additions will be welcome.

The middle Suir, from Carrick-on-Suir to Waterford

This navigation is still used by pleasure boats, notably by the members of the Carrick-on-Suir Boat Club, but its once-busy commercial traffic has largely ceased; the final nail will be hammered in when the new Waterford bypass road-bridge crosses the Suir and prevents tankers from supplying Morris Oil at Fiddown. This account includes some historical material and photos taken on a trip downriver aboard the barge 31B.

I’m referring to it as the middle Suir as there was a horse-drawn navigation upstream from Carrick to Clonmel and of course ships can come up to Waterford from the sea (as well as more interesting vessels from the Nore and the Barrow).